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Version: 2.0.1



use Irsyadulibad\DataTables\DataTables;


Available Methods

The following methods are available to be used in this library

Select Table

Select the table that you want to use


Set Output

The default parameter is false, which is automatically return the JSON data. You can return the data's dump by passing the true param


Select Fields

Select the sepicifics column in the table

->select('username, password')

Where Clause

->where(['role' => 'user', 'active' => 1])

orWhere Clause

->orWhere(['role' => 'user', 'active' => 0])

Join Clause

// <table>, <condition>, <type>
->join('address', ' = address.uid', 'INNER JOIN')

Column editing

You can edit columns before output on json

Add Column

Add custom column which is not in the table

// <name>, <callback>
->addColumn('action', function($data) {
return '<a href="/edit/'.$data->id.'">edit</a>';

Edit Column

// <name>, <callback>
->editColumn('created_at', function($data) {
return format($data->created_at);

Raw Columns

By default, all of the data is escaped to prevent XSS. But if you want to unescape them, you can use this method


Hide Columns

Hide columns from JSON output
